Aluminium Windows

Ultra-slim frames allow more natural light into each living space

Contemporary Aluminium Windows

From a traditional country cottage to a contemporary town house, our aluminium range of windows offers styleand elegance to suit all tastes. Ultra-slim frames allow more natural light into each living space and give the best views to the outdoors.

Our aluminium windows are made to measure for your home. Each window is manufactured using the very latest technologies and processes to create the finest finish to your windows.


We have a wide range of window types, styles and designs to offer our customers. In either aluminium or hybrid timber and aluminium. With flush casements, tilt and turns, top hungs, side hungs and many others as well as various frame profile designs.

We are always happy to discuss your requirements and advise a suitable product to satisfy your requirements.

Exclusive super-slim window

Our elegantly sculptured window represents a new era in the development of aluminium windows. Combining the traditional appeal of timber but with slimmer sections and the trusted performance of aluminium.

This exclusive Aluminium design features softened lines to give a really classic look. 



Our windows offer various locking mechanisms and handle choices to ensure you feel safe and secure without compromising on great style.

You can be assured that all windows are compliant with the latest building regulation (document Q).


See what our customers have to say
